Praise for Brian Souza’s The Weekly Coaching Conversation
“Brian Souza is an author after my own heart. Don’t miss this outstanding story! Not only is The Weekly Coaching Conversation a great story, but Brian also knows that, as a leader, you are nothing without your people. I highly recommend you read this engaging story and let it inspire you to become a better leader.”
—Ken Blanchard, Coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Great Leaders Grow
“Prepare to be entertained, inspired, and educated on what it really takes to begin the transformational journey from acting like a manager to becoming a leader. To get the most out of your organization, your team, or even yourself, The Weekly Coaching Conversation is an absolute must-read.”
—Richard J. Bakosh, Global Managing Director, Accenture
“The Weekly Coaching Conversation is great for the mind and the soul. Powerful coaching!”
—Marshall Goldsmith, Author of MOJO and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
“Management folklore has a new hero, Coach—a colorful and crusty veteran with tons to teach eager high-achievers. Brian Souza artfully brings Coach to life in The Weekly Coaching Conversation, a book grounded solidly in rigorous research and practical experience, and written in a highly memorable and inviting style. The fictional world of The Weekly Coaching Conversation is packed with real-world dilemmas, timeless lessons, and unforgettable turns-of-phrase. It’s a highly enjoyable read, and one you’ll find yourself returning to often. The Weekly Coaching Conversation is a winner.”
—Jim Kouzes, Coauthor of The Leadership Challenge, Dean’s Executive Fellow of Leadership, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University
“The Weekly Coaching Conversation is a great read and will become the definitive guide for aspiring leaders. If you want to take your team’s performance to the next level, read this book.”
—Mark Silverman, President, The Big Ten Network
“The Weekly Coaching Conversation is full of warm, wonderful wisdom with timeless lessons for leadership and personal success.”
—Brian Tracy, Author, How the Best Leaders Lead
“Brian Souza’s new book The Weekly Coaching Conversation is destined to become a classic in the world of business leadership and the pursuit of maximizing human potential. It is an inviting, enchanting, and awe-inspiring parable. I highly recommend Brian’s new masterpiece.”
—Michael Lardon M.D., Author of Finding Your Zone: Ten Core Lessons for Achieving Peak Performance in Life and Sports
“I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Weekly Coaching Conversation and highly recommend it. Brian Souza is a wonderful storyteller with a powerful message. The ideas presented in this book are the foundations of long-term success and should be required reading for all managers and aspiring leaders.”
—John Daut, Senior Vice President of Sales, NetJets
“If you want to learn what it takes to lead and succeed in today’s highly competitive corporate environment, read The Weekly Coaching Conversation. While it’s an engaging story that makes it a quick read, the leadership message is timeless!”
—Rick Jackson, Chief Marketing Officer, VMWare, Inc.
“The Weekly Coaching Conversation cleverly teaches one of the essential truths of leadership—that it is no longer about you! This book offers frontline managers a way to accelerate their journey while offering experienced leaders a nostalgic reminder of the day they learned this truth and the inspiration to take their game to the next level.”
—Liz Wiseman, Author, Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smart
“The Weekly Coaching Conversation is a powerful book with an important message for all managers. In addition to a great story, in this book Brian Souza also presents a wonderful framework that will teach managers how to have a weekly coaching conversation with their team. I highly recommend it!”
—Verne Harnish, CEO, Gazelles, and Founder, Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO)