Chosen as “One of the Best Books of 2013” by Soundview Executive Summary
Praise for ENGAGED!
“Gregg Lederman hits the bull’s-eye in his new book, ENGAGED!. He understands that inspired employees who live your organization’s values have a lot more impact on your brand than fancy logos and slick advertising. If you want motivated people and raving fan customers, read this book!”
–Ken Blanchard, co-author of Raving Fans and Trust Works!
“Creating loyal employees and customers is a journey. A consistently great experience is required. ENGAGED! is a fantastic read for those looking for a step-by-step pathway to improve their employee and customer experience.”
–Colleen Wegman, President, Wegmans Food Markets
“Finally a book that is so fundamental to success in today’s business climate. Both managers of small businesses and multinationals can equally benefit from reading ENGAGED!. Every leader or potential leader should read this. It’s a fun and fresh reminder of how any brand can establish a culture with employees that your customers will love you for.”
–Kyle O’Brien, Executive Vice President of Sales, Chobani, Inc.
“An experience is being delivered at every interaction with your customers. ENGAGED! provides a simple step-by-step approach to help every employee get ‘on-stage’ to perform your company’s experience. An amazing read for anyone responsible for ensuring a world-class customer experience.”
–Jamey Rootes, President, Houston Texans
“If you want to create an amazing culture, one where employees are engaged, excited to come to work, desire to do their best, feel fulfilled, and want to make customers happy, then you will love the lessons you will learn in ENGAGED!”
–Shep Hyken, New York Times best-selling author of The Amazement Revolution
“This is an excellent book that shows you how to build a high-performance company by creating and rewarding high-performance people.”
–Brian Tracy, New York Times best-selling author of Eat That Frog
“When leaders begin to care more about the company than they do for themselves, great things start to happen. If you are looking for a book packed with tools to help create winning teams, you just found it. An amazing read for anyone looking to enhance their leadership skills at work and in life.”
–Mark Schlereth, three-time Super Bowl champion and current ESPN NFL Analyst
“If you’re looking to completely transform your customer experience, ENGAGED! provides the strategies, tools, and techniques to show you how.”
–Lynn Yanyo, Director of Marketing and Customer Services, LORD Corporation
“A fundamental principle of business first developed at and now widely touted by the Simon School is that ‘skin in the game’ matters. When individuals are more invested and engaged, the performance of their company improves. Gregg Lederman’s book provides a novel method to quantify employee engagement and thereby ultimately a vehicle to improve your company’s performance. For leaders who care about making their companies ever better, ENGAGED! is a must—first to read and then to put its insights into practice.”
–Mark Zupan, Dean of the Simon School at the University of Rochester
“What a great book! It is practical, smart, has fresh energy, and is edgy. I really like the way Gregg Lederman puts theory into practice. Outstanding!”
–Craig P. Dinsell, EVP, Chief Human Resource Officer, Oppenheimer Funds
“ENGAGED! is easy to read, understand, and implement. It is ideal for companies of any size who want to cut through the branding forest to see the trees that make a brand visible and palpable. The ENGAGED process will help your company celebrate successes and reinforce the behaviors that bring your brand to life.”
–Lynne S. Katzmann, President and CEO, Juniper Communities
“Gregg Lederman in his book ENGAGED! has provided a common-sense approach to a not-so-common, yet critical, business strategy—that is, spending less time creating and marketing your brand and more time getting all employees to ‘live the brand.’ Approaches such as ‘making the invisible visible’ and creating a unified organizational ‘mindset’ are key concepts for leaders to ponder. Gregg makes the point that what is commonly defined by business strategists as the ‘soft stuff’ truly is the ‘hard stuff’ as evidenced by the absence of high levels of employee engagement in so many companies today. Want a straightforward approach to engaging more employees in the work of your organization? Open this quick-read book and begin to change your mindset!”
–Kathy Parrinello, Chief Operating Officer, Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester Medical Center